Make first class uPVC windows that your customers will want.
Grow your business with our high quality uPVC double glazed window/door manufacturing machinery.
Installation Highlights:
Urban client in Western Australia runs a successful uPVC window production:
Urban PVC installed a complete brand new production line at Proframe in Perth, Western Australia. Proframe started making uPVC windows immediately after the installation was completed at the end of the November 2012. Their management and staff, who have more than 20 years experience in the uPVC window industry, are highly impressed with the reliability, precision and efficiency of the Urban production line. Proframe is quickly becoming, a major player with a fast growing potential in the uPVC window and door manufacturing. It was very important for Proframe to run a highly professional production. Thus for them, there was only one choice - Urban machinery.
Just to name few, the Urban production line at Proframe includes DGU 500 double mitre saw, AKS 1020 single head welder, AKS 5550/3 triple head welder, SV 405 CNC corner cleaner, GLS 102 glazing bead saw, A 23 AZ copy router, WS 203 water drainage router and a number of other Urban machines.
Jarred Hand (second from left) and Chris Hollingworth (third from left) from Proframe with Saskia and Stefan Kremer, Urban PVC outside Proframe production hall in Perth. Saskia Kremer, Urban PVC with Jarred Hand and Chris Hollingworth from Proframe in their production hall during the installation. |